ArrangeMe sells music to customers worldwide, so songs will need to be in the public domain worldwide.
It will be most important to ensure that you are in compliance in our major markets. The general copyright durations for these areas are below.
United States: the work must have been composed before 1928 to be in the public domain. is a great source for public domain information in the United States and for researching public domain materials.
United Kingdom, European Union, Australia, and a number of other countries: copyright duration lasts for the life of longest living composer/arranger/editor/librettist plus 70 years.
You will need to evaluate your piece by the longest copyright duration to determine if it is in the public domain worldwide. For your reference, we have created this blog article resource to help you navigate this often misunderstood topic. (
Before you do any arranging, we recommend researching the musical work in question to confirm if it is in the public domain worldwide.
If you are unable to confirm its public domain status, or if you have doubts, you should seek permission before using the work or consult a copyright attorney.