Q: Are customers permitted to print or download titles purchased directly from the Sheet Music Direct App?
A: No. Print and download functionality is not possible directly through the Sheet Music Direct App. Sheet Music Direct customers may, however, access all purchased titles from Sheet Music Direct by logging into their account using a web browser.
(See this article from Sheet Music Direct for the most current information.)
Q: Is the Sheet Music Direct App the same thing as Sheet Music Direct PASS?
A: No. The Sheet Music Direct App is an extension of Sheet Music Direct's retail site and is available to any iOS or Android user to install to a tablet or smartphone. Customers must purchase a title in order to view sheet music on the App.
Sheet Music Direct PASS is a sheet music subscription service where customers pay an extra fee for the privilege to view all sheet music titles available to the PASS program.
(Note: if you choose to remain opted-in to Subscription Services from your ArrangeMe account, your titles will be available to customers via the Sheet Music Direct App and the Sheet Music Direct PASS program.)
Q: I opted out of 'Expanded Distribution to Subscription Services' from my ArrangeMe account, does that include opting-out of sales to the Sheet Music Direct App?
A: No. As of mid-July 2024, all titles published to ArrangeMe are automatically available for sale via the Sheet Music Direct App and are considered retail sales made by the Sheet Music Direct site. If you opted-out of the 'Expanded Distribution to Subscription Services' from your ArrangeMe account, your titles are still available for sale via the Sheet Music Direct App.
Q: Why are customers able to purchase only one (1) copy of my Choral or Handbell arrangement?
A: Quantity minimums larger than one (1) are not supported by the Sheet Music Direct App at this time. However, the watermark added to the purchased sheet indicates only one (1) copy purchased by a specific customer to discourage use by multiple people. This is a great opportunity for writers of Choral, Handbell, and other ensemble types to have a preview copy available to help directors make a larger purchasing decision.
Q: Why are my commissions lower on sales from the Sheet Music Direct App?
A: Commissions on sales made from the Sheet Music Direct App are paid out based on "Net Sale Price" as defined in Section 4.2.b of our Terms of Use.
Note: The ArrangeMe team does not make decisions regarding the Sheet Music Direct app. If you have suggestions for the Sheet Music Direct team about any aspect of the app, please reach them at help@sheetmusicdirect.com.